Adoption in South Dakota
A Complete Guide to South Dakota Open Adoptions
Most Americans have an out-of-date idea of adoption. For many, they might think about adopted kids growing up without information about their parents, or about a birth mother moving on without any contact with her child.
This is not the way that most modern adoptions look.
It is much more common to find birth mothers and adoptive parents in South Dakota who have an open adoption that allows for a continued, loving relationship that is beneficial to all those involved.
Open adoption can be a rewarding experience because it allows you to:
- Select the perfect family for your baby and continue a relationship with them.
- Decide how often and with what mode of communication that you want to keep in touch with your adoptive family.
- Foster a loving relationship with your child throughout their adolescence.
When you choose to place your baby up for adoption, you will be in control. You will get to make decisions throughout the adoption process, and your needs will be central to the way the adoption is carried out.
If you would like to speak with an adoption specialist about the specifics of your adoption plan, you can contact a professional today.
What is Open Adoption in South Dakota?
Open adoption is an adoption agreement that allows for a continued, loving relationship with the adoption triad – birth mother, adoptive parents, and adopted child. It contrasts with a closed adoption, where information can be limited or restricted, and differs from the semi-open adoption, which often involves mediated communication.
The open adoption relationship begins when the birth mother chooses the adoptive family for her baby, and continues throughout the child’s adolescence. For some, it is a life-long relationship.
An open adoption relationship in South Dakota can include:
- Pictures and letters
- Emails and text messages
- Communication across social media outlets
- Phone calls and video calls
- In-person visits
Many birth mothers ask, “Where can I find an open adoption agency to work with in South Dakota?”
This question is common because it is assumed that an open adoption is a rarity. This is not correct.
In fact, it is the most common type of adoption agreement.
Nearly every private domestic adoption agency will facilitate an open adoption agreement. They agree that open adoption is the most beneficial adoption arrangement for the adopted child – and everyone else too.
The following agencies can help you with your open adoption:
- American Adoptions
- Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota
- Children’s Home Society of South Dakota
- New Horizons Adoption Agency
- All About U Adoptions
What are the Benefits of Open Adoption in South Dakota?
It is nearly a consensus – open adoption benefits birth parents, families and children.
If you fear that you might not be supported in your desire to enter an open adoption agreement, do not worry. There are many adoption professionals who will celebrate your desire to maintain a relationship with your child.
Continued post-adoptive contact benefits everyone: birth parents, adoptive parents, and adopted children.
- Birth Parents: Open adoption allows birth parents to have a window into their baby’s growth and development. They can communicate with them, get to know them as they mature, and receive ongoing assurances that they are thriving. Also, having an adoption agreement in place can ease some of the challenging emotions that a birth mother sometimes experiences after placement.
- Adoptive Families: When an adoptive family indicates that they would be willing to enter an open adoption agreement, they increase their chances of being chosen by a birth mother. Practically speaking, this means that their adoption process can happen a lot more quickly. Additionally, they benefit from the bond that can develop with their child’s birth parents.
- Adopted Children: Perhaps the most convincing reason to choose open adoption is that it has been shown to greatly benefit the adopted child. The open adoption relationship between child and birth parents can help the child fully accept their adoption story. When they can ask questions about their adoption, it helps them to work through some of the identity challenges that they can experience as they mature.
Can I Choose a Closed Adoption in South Dakota?
Yes. You can choose to pursue a closed adoption in South Dakota – or anywhere else in the United States for that matter. Despite the compelling reasons to choose an open adoption, there are just as sound reasons for some women to choose closed adoption.
A closed adoption allows little to no identifying information to be shared between adoptive parents and birth parents. While you can choose the adoptive family for your child and still request a closed adoption, you will not continue a relationship with them from that point.
Maybe you are contemplating the pros and cons related to the open adoption vs. closed adoption debate. To understand your choice completely, you might want to consider some reasons that birth mothers choose a closed adoption.
Common reasons that birth mothers give for choosing a closed adoption are:
- It is important for them to have emotional closure after placement.
- They are in a situation that makes open adoption undesirable or unsafe.
- It is necessary for them to maintain a level of privacy that open adoption does not allow.
How Will I Find Adoptive Parents Who Want an Open Adoption in South Dakota?
The number of hopeful adoptive families who want an open adoption is on the rise. As the benefits of open adoption become more and more clear, the desire for this kind of arrangement increases.
If you want an open adoption agreement you can find many families who want the same thing. With the help of an adoption professional, you can continue a loving relationship with your child after adoption placement.
Open adoption agencies are easy to find, and adoption specialists who will advocate for you to have the open adoption you want are available to you at any of the licensed agencies listed above.
They will help you to develop a postadoption contact agreement (PACA) that will outline the kind of contact you want to have with your child’s adoptive family. PACAs are also called open adoption agreements, and they can be an informal agreement or a formal document.
The right agency will encourage both birth mothers and adoptive families to honor their word when agreeing to a South Dakota open adoption arrangement. They will also counsel you to mutually agree on any changes that are made as time goes on.
What are the Cons of Open Adoption in South Dakota?
Closed adoption restricts or limits contact between you and the adoptive parents and your child. Semi-open adoption allows for some contact, but it is often mediated. While open adoption is the most common adoption agreement, many mothers still choose one of these options instead.
Whichever adoption agreement you are leaning toward, remember that no arrangement is perfect. There are some potential downsides or disadvantages involved in an open adoption. When it comes down to it, an open adoption is simply a human relationship that can be both beautiful and difficult.
Some birth mothers report the following difficulties in their relationship with their child’s adoptive family:
- Dissatisfaction with the family’s commitment to the agreement.
- Disappointment with the adoptive family’s lifestyle or behavior.
- Complicated emotions that strain the relationship or make communication difficult.
You are in control, and you get to decide what is best for you going forward. No matter your preference, professionals will provice you with expert counsel, heartfelt empathy, and practical advice throughout your journey.
If you are ready to speak with a South Dakota adoption specialist about the type of adoption that is right for you, contact an agency today.
Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.