Unplanned Pregnancy

Unplanned Pregnancy: Pros and Cons to Consider

We understand that this is a complicated time in your life. You’re probably experiencing a lot of different emotions, some of which are probably even conflicting with one another. Know that it’s perfectly normal to feel both happy and sad, scared and excited, or unsure and confident all at the same time! Finding out that you’re pregnant, no matter how you feel about it right now, is a major moment, and there are no “wrong” reactions.

The following lists of potential advantages and disadvantages of unplanned pregnancy are by no means going to apply to every situation. Nor are they meant to make you feel like you should “look on the bright side.” Facing the potential problems of unwanted pregnancy is always scary, but understanding your other feelings about finding yourself unexpectedly pregnant can help.

Taking some time to reflect on the potential pros and cons of unplanned pregnancy may help you sort through some of those complex and conflicting feelings.

Unplanned Pregnancy Disadvantages and Advantages

Every woman is going to have her own lists of advantages and disadvantages of unwanted pregnancy, because everyone’s situation is unique. So don’t forget to take into account your own personal pros and cons as you’re reflecting on some of these general advantages and disadvantages to your pregnancy.

Some of the pros of unplanned pregnancy that you may not have considered yet include:

Some cons of unplanned pregnancy could include:

We know you have a lot to process and consider right now. But when you’re ready, you’ll need to make a choice. For some, that choice is easy. For others, it may not be clear.

Every woman who is faced with an unplanned pregnancy has three options: Parenting, abortion or adoption. If you’re unsure of which of those three paths is right for you, you may benefit from considering some of the potential pros and cons of unwanted pregnancy options.

Pros and Cons of Your Three Unplanned Pregnancy Options

Every individual person will have their own set of advantages and disadvantages of unplanned pregnancy. Additionally, everyone will feel differently about different options: What may be seen as a “pro” for one woman is another woman’s “con.”

With that in mind, here are some of the general pros and cons that you may have not yet considered about each of the three options for an unplanned pregnancy:

1. Parenting Pros and Cons

One of your options is to raise this baby yourself. Some potential pros to parenting can include:

Some cons to parenting might be:

2. Abortion Pros and Cons

Another one of the three options: Abortion. Some of the possible pros for choosing this option could include:

Some of the cons of abortion you may want to consider could include:

3. Adoption Pros and Cons

The third option is placing your baby for adoption. A few pros for adoption may include:

Some of the cons for adoption that are worth considering include:

No matter what path you choose to take in response to your unintended pregnancy, there will always be pros and cons to each of the three options, as well as benefits and problems associated with unwanted pregnancy in general. At the end of the day, only you can decide which option holds the most “pros” in your individual situation. Remember that you always have options, and there’s going to be an option that feels right.

It’s easy, however, for an outside party to talk about the positives and negatives of unwanted pregnancy when they’re not the ones experiencing the flood of emotions. More than anything, it’s important that you take care of your mental and physical health in this complicated moment. Take some time to process this unplanned pregnancy, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support if you need it.

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