Emotions of Adoption
In many ways, the adoption process is a straightforward one: you contact an adoption agency, choose an adoptive family, and make an adoption plan with the help of a supportive professional. But adoption is also a complex, challenging, emotional process. One that combines feelings of love and joy, grief and loss, worry, doubt, happiness and pride — all rolled up into one beautiful, messy bundle.
While every birth parent’s emotional journey is different, and nothing can truly prepare you for the full range of feelings you might experience during the adoption process, the articles below explore some of those complex, messy emotions of adoption to give you an idea of what you might expect from your own adoption experience. Find the answers to some common questions about the emotions of adoption below.
If you are considering adoption and need to speak to someone about the emotions you’re experiencing, remember that free counseling is available 24/7. Contact an adoption agency now to get stated.