Others Involved in Adoption
When you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption, some of your biggest concerns might be about what other people will think. What about the father? How is he going to react? What if he doesn’t agree with your plans for this baby? And then there are your friends and family — how are you going to tell them? If they are supportive, how can you involve them in the adoption process? If they’re not, where can you get the support you need?
The articles below address these questions and more. Remember, regardless of the type and amount of support you’re receiving from other people in your life, know that you are never alone. No matter what, there is always someone in your corner — your adoption professional. Below, find out what adoption professionals are, what services they can offer, and how you can lean on them for whatever you need during your pregnancy.
Want to connect with a helpful professional now? Get the support you deserve here.