Adoption in Arkansas

3 Unplanned Pregnancy Options in Arkansas [A Complete Guide]

If you are facing an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy in Arkansas, you are likely feeling overwhelmed and fearful. These are normal reactions, and you are not alone.

In fact, in 2010, 55% of Arkansas pregnancies were unintended. There are professionals who are eager to help you during this time of need and resources to help you make the decision that is right for you.

For Candice, who experienced an unplanned pregnancy at “the worst possible time” of her life, she had many considerations she had to make:

“My husband and I were separated. He wanted me to have an abortion, and I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I talked with him about adoption and he agreed.”

Candice’s story illustrates the three unplanned pregnancy options, which this guide will explain in detail for you. If you are at a point where you would like to speak with an adoption professional about your options for an unplanned pregnancy, please contact us today.  

What to do When You Have an Unplanned Pregnancy in Arkansas

No unplanned pregnancy option is without its obstacles, but there are professionals who will help you to navigate whichever decision you make. The choice is yours, and this guide will give you the information you need to make an informed decision. In Arkansas – as with any other state – you have three options for an unplanned pregnancy available to you:

  1. Adoption
  2. Abortion
  3. Parenting

What is Adoption?

The first unplanned pregnancy option is adoption.

Adoption is the legal transfer of parental rights from birth parent to adoptive parent. A woman who chooses adoption carries her pregnancy to term and chooses adoptive parents for her baby. You should be aware that adoption is a legally binding process, but also that most modern adoptions have a degree of openness. This means that a birth mother can have contact and correspondence with her child post-adoption if she so desires.

There are thousands of families who want to adopt, and if you choose this option for unplanned pregnancy, you could fulfill a couple’s dreams of becoming parents. It could also benefit you in many ways.

Can I Meet My Baby’s Adoptive Parents?

Yes. It is important that you select the adoptive parents for your baby. Adoption is a choice made from a place of love, and you absolutely deserve to determine the kind of life your child will have in their adoptive home.

Along with deciding who will adopt your baby, you will also get to determine the type of relationship you want to have with your baby and their adoptive parents.

When you partner with an adoption agency, they will help you to develop an adoption plan that will detail the qualities you want in an adoptive family, including the openness and contact that you desire from them. You will be given access to family profiles that match your adoption plan. While some families will reside in Arkansas, if you work with a national agency, they will give you options from other states too.

When a family intrigues you, you will alert your adoption specialist and they will schedule a call with the parents where you can ask further questions.

To start this process, you can contact one of the following Arkansas adoption agencies:

How Do You Put a Baby Up for Adoption in Arkansas?

Choosing adoption in Arkansas is a brave and selfless choice. If you choose to pursue this option, you will follow these six steps:

  1. Decide on adoption. Adoption may not be an obvious choice for you, and you may want to receive some counseling and education about the option to make sure that it is indeed the right choice for you.
  2. Create an adoption plan. Next, you will contact an adoption agency for unplanned pregnancy help in Arkansas. With the help of an adoption specialist, you will create an adoption plan that will set your adoption journey in motion.
  3. Select the perfect family for your child. At this point, your adoption specialist will give you access to family profiles that match your preferences and needs. You will review profiles, acquaint yourself with families, and finally choose the family that is right for your baby.
  4. Begin a relationship with the adoptive family. After an initial meeting with your baby’s adoptive family, you will choose the method and frequency of your contact. You can meet them in person, email, talk on the phone – whatever you are comfortable with or need. If you need privacy, that is fine too.
  5. Deliver your baby and sign adoption paperwork. Prior to delivery, you will write a hospital plan that will detail your needs during your hospital stay. It will be the guide used by adoption specialists, health care workers, and the adoptive family during this time to make it the experience that you need.
  6. Continue the relationship with your child and their adoptive family. Different birth mothers choose different types of relationships with adoptive families. You will be given the chance to choose the level of openness and what this will look like before the placement of your child into an adoptive family.   

Does Adoption Cost Money in Arkansas?

Adoption is the only option for unplanned pregnancy in Arkansas that does not cost the birth mother anything. Adoption is free for you when you place your baby up for adoption.

In fact, you may qualify for adoption financial support, and your medical expenses related to your pregnancy will be covered. When working with licensed adoption professionals, you will receive the support you need like having access to an unplanned pregnancy hotline.

Is Adoption Right for Me?

Only you can decide if adoption is your ideal option for unplanned pregnancy, but sometimes it is helpful to hear the experiences of other women who have pursued adoption. Some reasons women choose adoption are:

What is Abortion?

The second unplanned pregnancy option is abortion.

Abortion is the termination of unwanted pregnancy through medical or surgical means. It is truly an early pregnancy option because it can only be performed up to 20 weeks of gestation in Arkansas. Of the unplanned pregnancy options, it is the most controversial, and most restrictive.

What Restrictions are on Abortion in Arkansas?

Abortion is highly regulated and restricted in many states. In Arkansas, there is continual pressure to restrict this unplanned pregnancy option. As of January 2021, some restrictions are:

Who Provides Abortions in Arkansas?

When considering this early pregnancy option, you will also want to look into the accessibility of medical centers that provide abortions. In the whole state of Arkansas, there are only five abortion clinics.

What Risks are Involved in Abortion?

Abortion is considered a safe procedure. There is some misconception that the procedure will affect your chance of becoming pregnant in the future, but this is a rare occurrence.  Still, there are adverse side effects that you should be aware of if you are considering this option for unplanned pregnancy:

You should also be forewarned that abortion can have emotional side effects too. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy is a difficult decision, and women have reported experiencing relief, sadness, elation, and depression after the procedure. If you find that unpleasant emotions are persistent after an abortion, reach out to receive post-abortion counseling resources available to you.

Is Abortion Right for Me?

No one can answer this question for you, but again, it is helpful sometimes to hear the reasons that other women chose this early pregnancy option when deciding if it is right for you. Some reasons women choose abortion are:

If abortion conflicts with your values or your religious conviction, it may not be the best choice for you. If this applies to you, there are other unplanned pregnancy options for you in Arkansas.

What is Parenting?

The third unplanned pregnancy option is parenting.

Parenting is the act of raising a child. In this case, a woman will carry a baby to term and maintain their parental rights and custody of the child.

For most women, pregnancy may come at a time that is unplanned, but their desire to parent wins out over the anxieties they feel about their unplanned pregnancy.  In many of these cases, women have enough support and stability to parent, and for them, this is the best option for unplanned pregnancy.

What are the Challenges of Being a Single Parent in Arkansas?

For some women in Arkansas who choose to parent after an unplanned pregnancy, they are facing the challenge of being a single parent. The particular obstacles of raising a child as a single parent are something you will want to consider if you find yourself in this position. Some of these obstacles are:

If you are considering parenting but are concerned about any of these challenges, know that you are not alone in this struggle, and that there are many resources available to you:

Is Parenting Right for Me?

Parenting can be an extremely rewarding choice. There are a variety of reasons that women in Arkansas choose this unplanned pregnancy option over the others. Some of these reasons include:

The choice between the three unplanned pregnancy options in Arkansas is yours to make, but there are people here to support you.  You will find the empathy and support you need right now when you reach out for assistance. If you’d like to speak with one of these helpful professionals, you can contact us today.

Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.

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