Adoption in Colorado
Unplanned Pregnancy in Colorado
One of the biggest disruptions you can face in your life is an unplanned pregnancy. As a prospective birth mother, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and emotional when you find yourself in this situation and don’t know what to do.
But, as daunting as an unplanned pregnancy in Colorado can be, there are ways to get yourself to a better place in your life. You’re not alone in any of this, as many women have been in this situation before you.
You can speak with an adoption professional today who can help you understand the options you have for your unplanned pregnancy in Colorado. Contact us today to get started on figuring out the best option for you.
Your Options for Unplanned Pregnancy in Colorado
If you live in Colorado, you have three options for your unplanned pregnancy:
As this is your choice and only your choice to make, there is no right or wrong answer for you. Remember, there is always a best option for you and your baby, so you need to consider your options and decide which of those options is going to create the best future for your life. Support is out there for all three options, so it’s helpful to do plenty of research on each to better understand what comes with it to help you decide if it’s best for you.
Option 1: Parenting in Colorado
When trying to decide whether parenting is the best option for you through your unplanned pregnancy, start by asking yourself, “Am I ready to be a parent?”
Parenting a baby in Colorado is absolutely possible if you’re considering this option. However, it’s important to be completely honest with yourself when considering parenting. Parenting is a 24/7 responsibility with many sacrifices, as you’re going to be taking care of another person other than yourself from then on. You need to make sure you are in a realistic position and are physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to take on the role of being a full-time parent.
Any mother will tell you that parenting is not easy. If you don’t have the resources or mentality to parent and provide for your child, you’re not helping you (or your baby) succeed. Of course, they’ll also tell you it is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in your life when you have what you need to be able to parent your baby.
If you decide parenting your baby is the best option for you, you may want to research into finding what resources may be available to you during your unplanned pregnancy. In Colorado, you can find:
- Colorado Food Assistance program
- Top quality hospitals and medical centers
- Crisis pregnancy centers
- Local churches
- And more
Choosing to parent your baby in Colorado is a brave and caring decision. Utilizing organizations and resources around you can help give you the confidence and support you need to start your life with your newborn.
Remember – only you know the answer to whether you’re ready to become a parent. The choice is entirely yours to make.
Option 2: Adoption in Colorado
In Colorado, adoption is always an option for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. Depending on your situation, you may find adoption in Colorado to be the best option for you.
It costs nothing for a woman to place her baby for adoption in Colorado. You’ll receive free adoption services provided to you by the adoption agency you work with. Depending on the agency you choose, you may even be eligible for some adoption-related financial assistance.
When you choose adoption in Colorado, you are in control of the entire process for your adoption. You’ll work with an adoption specialist to create your individual adoption plan. This step in your Colorado adoption process allows you to decide how you want your adoption to proceed, including choosing the adoptive family who will raise your baby.
You will also be able to choose what type of adoption relationship you want to have with the adoptive family and your child. Although deciding to place your baby for adoption isn’t an easy choice to make, it’s important to know that you can choose to have an open adoption that allows you the opportunity to be a part of your child’s life and watch them grow up. This type of adoption relationship can help you through the emotions you’ll face during this process.
No matter what you choose with your Colorado adoption, just know that you are not alone in this process. There are resources available to you to help you through your adoption and beyond, allowing you time and space to heal from a difficult decision like adoption. There is nothing selfish about choosing to place your baby for adoption in Colorado. Adoption is a selfless, brave, and loving choice, showing you want your child to have the best possible life they can have.
Option 3: Abortion in Colorado
If you’re considering abortion in Colorado for your unplanned pregnancy, the first step you should take is consulting with your doctor. Before an abortion can be approved and performed for you, your doctor will need to meet with you to determine what stage of pregnancy you are in, as well as if there are any potential medical risks that need to be considered first.
You can only choose abortion in Colorado as your unplanned pregnancy option if you are in an early stage of your pregnancy. Most states do not perform abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. You’ll also need to consider the following Colorado abortion laws that went into effect in 2017:
- If you are a minor, your parents must be notified and provide their consent before the abortion can be provided.
- Insurance policies for public employees in Colorado do not cover abortions.
- Public funding for an abortion is only available in Colorado in instances of rape, incest, or life endangerment.
Abortion is a difficult option to face, but it is available to women in Colorado within those limitations and laws. There are organizations in Colorado that offer unplanned pregnancy help throughout this process. With the right support and resources available to you, you can find healing through your abortion decision.
Find the Support You Need Today
Deciding which option to move forward with for your unplanned pregnancy in Colorado is not an easy process. To help you through, make sure you take the time to research and better understand all of your options and what they entail for you long-term. The final choice belongs to you and only you.
There are several resources available for you to help you through this process. You don’t have to go through any of this alone. If you’d like to be connected with a helpful adoption professional to learn more about any or all of the options you have, you can contact us today.
Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.