Adoption in Georgia
Open Adoption Benefits in Georgia for Prospective Birth Parents
When you choose adoption for your baby it does not mean you’ll be saying goodbye forever. If you choose open adoption in Georgia, you can have contact with your child and their adoptive family.
There are several benefits of open adoption in Georgia like:
- You can build a relationship with your child’s adoptive family
- You can build a relationship with your child as they grow up
- Open adoption can help you cope with grief and loss after adoption
- Open adoption can give you peace of mind that your child is living their best possible life
Many prospective adoptive parents are nervous or unsure about communicating with the adoptive parents that they choose for their baby. Keep in mind that adoptive parents have been waiting to bring your child into their home, which means they are grateful to you for choosing them to love and care for your child. Through open adoption, they get to share your child’s life with you because they will always be your child.
On the other hand, closed adoption in Georgia means that you choose not to have any contact with your child or their adoptive parents, and that’s OK, too. Some birth parents find that closed adoption gives them the space they need to heal and cope with life after adoption.
This article will answer some of your questions about open adoption vs. closed adoption in Georgia. If you would like to start your open adoption process today or if you have more questions, contact an adoption professional online at any time.
What Does an Open Adoption Mean in Georgia?
Open adoption in Georgia means that you choose to communicate with your child and their adoptive parents before, during and after adoption.
If you feel comfortable sharing your personal information with your baby’s adoptive parents like your phone number, email and where you live, then you can also get this information from your child’s adoptive parents so that you can agree on a communication plan.
Let’s talk about reasons why you would want to share your personal information in an open adoption.
First, this allows you to build trust with your baby’s adoptive parents. When you choose an open adoption vs. closed adoption, you can ask each other questions, share important information and get adoption support when you need it. Many prospective birth parents who choose open adoption in Georgia have found that they can truly count on their baby’s hopeful adoptive parents when they need someone to talk to or are struggling with adoption emotions.
Next, your child’s adoptive parents want to get to know you, too. They want to know what your wishes are for your child, like your expectations for religion, education and what you like to do for fun. Your child will likely enjoy some of the same things that you do, and they want to be prepared to give your child the life that they deserve, and the opportunities that you want for them.
Finally, by choosing open adoption, you are giving your child a connection to their heritage, which will be important as they form their own identity. Part of your child growing up as an adoptee is finding their self-identity in a healthy and supported way. You and your child’s adoptive parents can talk to your child together if you feel comfortable doing so.
Your open adoption communication plan is not a legal document in Georgia. This is an agreement between you and your child’s adoptive parents. But, if you don’t feel like your child’s adoptive parents are maintaining the level of communication that you agreed on, then you can always get help from your adoption specialist. Your communication plan is a part of your adoption plan and kept on file with your adoption agency.
How Does an Open Adoption Work in Georgia?
When you choose open adoption, the process may be easier than you think. There are three steps to having an open adoption:
Step 1: Let your adoption specialist know that you want an open adoption. Your adoption specialist will show you profiles of waiting adoptive families that also want an open adoption. Since approximately 95% of adoptions today are open adoptions you will have many options, especially with a national adoption agency.
Step 2: Choose the adoptive parents that you want for your child. Your adoption agency and the adoption professional that you choose to work with will have profiles for the families that they work with. You can view as many profiles as you’d like and your adoption specialist can narrow the profiles down to specific things that you want for your child. For example, if you want your child to live with a family that is vegetarian, then your adoption specialist can let you know which families that they work with are vegetarian.
Step 3: When you have an adoption match, schedule a time to talk or meet your baby’s hopeful adoptive parents. In open adoption, an adoption match means that you choose the parents that you want your baby to have, and they accept the adoption opportunity. Your adoption specialist can facilitate your first phone call if you are comfortable with that. Don’t worry if the adoptive parents that you choose live in a different state, your adoption specialist will coordinate travel so that you can meet in person if you agree to do so, and the adoptive parents will always travel to you.
Much of your open adoption planning is based on what you and your baby’s adoptive parents agree on. For example, if you want to go shopping for baby clothes together or just email one another you can both agree to do what feels comfortable. The only limits to your open adoption plan are what you and your child’s adoptive parents agree to establish.
Open vs. Closed Adoption in Georgia
The main difference between open vs. closed adoption is the sharing of personal information. When you choose open adoption, you and your child’s adoptive parents may exchange phone numbers, email address or any other information that you both need to contact one another. In closed adoption, you still choose your baby’s hopeful adoptive parents but they don’t have access to anything but your medical history.
Closed adoption is not a bad option, but it does eliminate the option of your child and their adoptive parents contacting you. The process of closed adoption is similar to open adoption as far as adoption matching. Your adoption specialist will let the hopeful adoptive parents know that a prospective birth mother has chosen them and they will give the family information about the baby’s race, due date and other medical information. But, the hopeful parents won’t know your name or any of you personal identifiable information.
After adoption placement in a closed adoption, you still get adoption counseling and support if you are working with a full-service adoption agency, but you won’t get any updates about your child. This is what some birth parents want because a closed adoption gives the space they need to move forward with their future.
Open Adoption Agencies in Georgia
An open adoption agency chooses to work with hopeful adoptive parents and prospective birth parents who want an open adoption. Communication throughout the adoption process can create the best possible adoption experience for you, your child’s adoptive parents and your child.
Open adoption agencies understand that when prospective birth parents and hopeful adoptive parents are willing to accept open adoption then they accept the benefits of communication on the child’s growth and development. The more support that birth parents and adoptive parents can give each other, the more the child will learn to understand their identity as an adoptee.
Here are a few national and local open adoption agencies in Georgia:
- American Adoptions
- Alliance for Children
- Bethany Christian Services
- An Open Door Adoption Agency
- Georgia AGAPE
Contact the open adoption agencies of your choice to learn more about their open adoption services.
Disadvantages of Open Adoption in Georgia
Open adoption satisfaction is based on what you and your child’s adoptive parents make of it. If you are unsatisfied or disappointed with your open adoption communication plan, it is best to talk to your adoption specialist.
Open adoption is so widely chosen because of the many benefits, so if you’re having trouble coping with the grief and loss of adoption you may need to contact an adoption counselor. If you choose open adoption you may find yourself in the following situations that could be disadvantages of open adoption:
- You experience more grief and discomfort having regular contact with your child and their adoptive parents.
- You begin to develop co-parenting tendencies (trying to parent your child when you’re no longer their parent) which can make your child’s adoptive parents uncomfortable.
- You want more contact than initially agreed upon in your communication plan which can cause conflict with your child’s adoptive parents
In the above scenarios, it is important for you to seek adoption counseling or get guidance from your adoption specialist. These situations aren’t very common with open adoption because of the benefits of communication, but they do happen. It can be helpful for you to keep in mind why you chose open adoption for your child — you want your child to live their best possible life.
You can contact an adoption professional today to learn more about open adoption in Georgia.
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