Adoption in Oregon
3 Unplanned Pregnancy Options in Oregon [A Complete Guide]
Facing an unplanned pregnancy in Oregon can be overwhelming, scary, and in some cases, traumatizing. No matter what you are experiencing right now, you are not alone. There are professionals who are available to guide you into your next steps, whatever they may be. If you are asking what to do when you have an unplanned pregnancy, this guide is the right place to be.
Your unplanned pregnancy options in Oregon are:
If you are ready to speak to someone about your unplanned pregnancy options, there is free professional support available to you in Oregon. Contact a professional today or call an unplanned pregnancy hotline for guidance.
What is Adoption in Oregon?
Adoption is the unplanned pregnancy decision to find an adoptive family for your baby. With this decision, you will carry your pregnancy to term, deliver your baby at a hospital, and sign final adoption paperwork that will transfer parental rights to the perfect adoptive family for your child. With open adoption, your relationship can continue after placement, and with closed adoption, you can have the privacy and anonymity you may need. Either way, you are in control of the process and get to make the decisions about your adoption plan.
For the most part, modern adoptions have a level of openness to them. If you are interested in adoption but are not sure that you are ready to cut all ties with your baby, rest assured that you will be able to work with an adoption professional who will support your desire to maintain that relationship.
At the right agency, you will find professionals who will offer you:
- unplanned pregnancy help
- advice as you create your adoption plan
- help while looking for families who want to adopt in Oregon
- legal counsel and networks of attorney services
- financial assistance for many situations
Do I Get to Choose My Baby’s Adoptive Parents?
Many women considering adoption have this exact question, and the answer is yes. You get to select the adoptive family for your child. A noteworthy advantage of this unplanned pregnancy option is that it puts you front and center, and you are in control. And while you oversee every decision, you will also have the support of an adoption specialist throughout the entire adoption process.
Choosing the perfect family for your child – for many women facing an unplanned pregnancy – is the most important decision in the adoption journey. This is because it will make a significant impact on your baby’s life. When you work with an agency, they will provide you with adoption opportunities as you search for an adoptive family who will provide the kind of life you want for your child.
Here is how it works:
- You will write an adoption plan that will list the characteristics of the perfect family for your baby.
- You will gain access to several family profiles that match your description.
- You will review the family profiles and – in your own time – select the family that is best for your child.
- You will begin communication with the family and define the type of relationship you want with them going forward.
If you are looking for more resources for unplanned pregnancy, contact one of the following Oregon adoption agencies:
- American Adoptions
- Adoptions of Southern Oregon
- Open Adoption & Family Services
- Journeys of the Heart
- Tree of Life Adoption Center
How Do You “Give Up” a Baby for Adoption in Oregon?
First, choosing to place a baby for adoption is a brave and generous choice, and in no way is it “giving up.” While the phrase “giving up” a child for adoption is commonplace, we want to encourage you to use language that upholds the dignity of placing your baby for adoption – and that doesn’t imply that it is an easy thing to do.
There are many benefits to this option for unplanned pregnancy:
- It offers you the chance to give your baby the life you want for them,
- It offers you the privilege to fulfill the hopes of a waiting adoptive family, and
- It offers you the opportunity to continue your unplanned pregnancy for the sake of your child.
When you choose to place a baby for adoption in Oregon, your adoption specialist will take you through these 6 steps:
- Decide that adoption is right for you. The decision to pursue adoption is never an easy one, but there are many benefits that you have to look forward to if it is your unplanned pregnancy choice. For the right woman and the right situation, it can be a beautiful experience.
- Develop an adoption plan. The first task that your adoption professional will have you complete is an adoption plan. Your specialist will help you think through each choice you have to make during the adoption and help you to understand the implications of each. Then they will help you create this document that will follow you through your adoption process to ensure you get the support you need.
- Choose the perfect family for your child. After you have developed a description of the kind of family you want for your baby, your adoption specialist will give access to profiles of adoptive families with whom they think you will connect. You will review them, have conversations with families, and finally select an adoptive family for your baby.
- Begin your relationship with the adoptive family. The kind of relationship you have with the adoptive parents is totally up to you. To familiarize yourself with the kinds of adoption agreements, you read about open, semi-open, or closed arrangements. As soon as you choose the family that is best for your child, this relationship starts.
- Deliver your baby and sign the final adoption paperwork. An integral part of your delivery day will be the hospital plan. A hospital plan outlines all your needs and preferences at the hospital, including the contact you want with your baby or their adoptive family.
- Maintain a relationship with your child. After adoption placement, you will begin the relationship spelled out in your post-adoption contact agreement. If you have chosen an open adoption, you will continue a loving relationship, and if you choose a closed adoption, you will have limited or no contact.
Does Adoption Cost Money in Oregon?
No. Adoption is free for the birth mother.
Of the unplanned pregnancy options, adoption is the only one that does not cost the birth mother any money. In addition, many women who choose to place their baby for adoption in Oregon also qualify for adoption financial support. All women can have pregnancy-related medical fees and legal fees covered, along with the services of an adoption agency that will never cost them a penny.
You could potentially be eligible for financial assistance that covers:
- Rent and utilities
- Groceries
- Transportation
- Cell Phone and Data
Is Adoption Right for Me?
Adoption can be a beautiful and rewarding unplanned pregnancy option for many women. Of course, it is not the right choice for each woman who is facing an unplanned pregnancy. One way to assess whether adoption is the correct choice for you is to think about the reasons that other women choose adoption.
Some common reasons are:
- Her circumstances make it impossible for her to offer the life she wants for her child. Some women find themselves pregnant at a less-than-ideal time in their life. Whether it is her living situation, her relationships, or her life stage, a woman might choose adoption because she does not see an ideal parenting situation in her near future.
- She is aware that there are adoptive families who are waiting to adopt a child. There are numerous Oregonian families who would be overjoyed by the gift of a child. Placing your baby for adoption is a selfless act of love, and it can even change the life of a couples who want to be parents.
- She wants to continue contact with her child. Adoption is the only unplanned pregnancy option that allows a woman to delay parenting but also continue a loving relationship with her baby. If you are not ready to raise a child but you want to stay informed on their life, open adoption could for you.
If you feel ready for some guidance from an adoption professional, you can dial an Oregon unplanned pregnancy hotline to speak with a professional today.
What is Abortion in Oregon?
Abortion is an early pregnancy option that involves either medical or surgical intervention. The procedure terminates an unwanted pregnancy. In 2017, there were about 862,000 abortions performed, and the women who had the procedures done were from all walks of life.
There is no doubt about it – abortion is the most controversial of the unplanned pregnancy options in Oregon. Consequently, the legislation that controls it are constantly being changed and challenged. This makes access to the procedure vary depending on where you live, the laws passed in your state, and your ability to travel to get the care you need.
What Restrictions are on Abortion in Oregon?
Oregon does not have many of the common abortion restrictions are enforced with this early pregnancy option in other. For example, in Oregon, abortions are not prohibited at any gestational age. There are also no waiting periods or mandated parental consent.
Still, abortions can often cost a patient between $300 and $1500, and only 22% of counties have clinic where a woman can access an abortion in the state of Oregon.
What Risks are Involved in Abortion?
While abortion is a relatively safe procedure that has been used as an unwanted pregnancy option for 40 years, there are still a few side effects to be aware of. Contrary to popular belief, it is very rare for an abortion procedure to decrease the chance of a woman becoming pregnant in the future.
Some more common side effects are:
- Cramps
- Spotting or bleeding
- Diarrhea
- Nausea or vomiting
- Difficult and conflicting emotions
Is Abortion Right for Me?
Obviously, if you have moral or religious convictions related to abortion, it is probably not even a consideration for you, and you are likely looking toward other unplanned pregnancy options. But if abortion is an option for you, it might help you to hear some of the reasons that other women choose abortion:
- They do not want to experience pregnancy. Pregnancy and delivery can be rough on a woman’s body, and especially so if she has any underlying conditions. A woman has the right to choose when or if she wants to undergo this physically difficult challenge.
- They require privacy. Unfortunately, some women are put in a situation where revealing an unplanned pregnancy could threaten their safety or the safety of children in their care. A woman has the right to have an abortion in order to protect herself and others from unsafe situations.
- They cannot afford to delay their education or career. The disruption that pregnancy causes in a woman’s life can compromise their ability to make a living or can create obstacles to a special opportunity. A woman has the right to choose her dreams, independence, or financial stability over a pregnancy.
If abortion is not the right choice for you, you can consider alternative pregnancy options in Oregon.
What is Parenting in Oregon?
The most chosen unplanned pregnancy option in Oregon is parenting.
Many women go through an initial period of shock when they first experience an unplanned pregnancy, but eventually, they determine that parenting is right for them. With some reasonable adjustments to lifestyle, budget, or circumstances, they can find a way to make parenting work for them.
It makes it easier for women to make this decision when they have a strong network of support, financial and environmental stability, and perhaps some number of social services that help them to make ends meet. Of course, not every women who is facing an unplanned pregnancy has these things at her disposal.
What are the Challenges of Being a Single Parent in Oregon?
Some women have a partner by their side and will take on parenting as a couple. On the other hand, there are a great number of women who will become single parents when they decide to raise their child. This can present some challenges that you will want to consider before choosing this option for unwanted pregnancy in Oregon.
Some of these obstacles are:
- Maintaining a budget with one income
- Surrounding yourself with support
- Affording childcare when you work
- Finding time to care for yourself
If you are considering becoming a single parent, familiarize yourself with the following organizations that focus on giving aid to women like you:
Is Parenting Right for Me?
Parenting is an unbelievable gift when the circumstances are right. If you are struggling to know for sure what the right path is for you, reach out to an unplanned pregnancy resource. You are not alone. Reach out to an expert to help you with this decision.
Some situations that make parenting a simpler choice for an expectant mother to make are:
- Their current income can cover the costs of parenting. When the financial aspect of raising kids is taken care of, this unplanned pregnancy option is a much more attractive choice for a woman.
- They can ensure stability in their child’s life. Stability can mean a lot of things. It can relate to a woman’s career, finances, relationship, or living situation. When there is certainty and peace in these aspects of a woman’s life, the decision to parent her child can be an easier one.
- They want kids at some point in their life. When a woman has pictured herself having children of her own for a long time, it might make more sense to her to carry her unplanned pregnancy to term and to parent her child.
Licensed professionals can help you choose the unplanned pregnancy option that is right for you. Adoption specialists offer empathy, expertise, and insight that you need to make this life-changing decision. You can contact us today to get connected with a helpful professional.
Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.