Adoption in South Dakota

3 Unplanned Pregnancy Options in South Dakota [A Complete Guide]

An unplanned pregnancy can be scary. You might be feeling overwhelmed, scared, and a bit panicked. This is normal, and there is support available to help you think through your unplanned pregnancy options in South Dakota.

Maybe you are considering “giving your baby up” for adoption, maybe you are leaning toward parenting your baby, or maybe you are thinking about accessing an abortion. Either way, you have some important considerations to make, and likely need support.

To speak with someone who will help you determine the best path for you, contact us online today.

Adoption professionals have expertise in each of the options available to you and will offer you the empathy you need to make the choice that is right for you and your situation. Though they are typically only associated with one of the three unplanned pregnancy choices, adoption specialists will help you at this early stage of your decision-making process.

When you reach out to a professional or call an unplanned pregnancy hotline, you will find discrete and confidential counsel provided without any obligation for you to choose adoption.  

And if you still need to think through your options on your own for a while, this guide will give you a good idea about what you can expect from each of the unplanned pregnancy options in South Dakota.

What is Adoption in South Dakota?

Adoption is the unplanned pregnancy option that involves a birth mother carrying her pregnancy to term, choosing an adoptive family for her child, and then placing her child in an adoptive home. While most South Dakota adoptions are open, allowing for a continued loving relationship between birth mother and child, women can also choose a semi-open or closed adoption.

Open adoption agreements are understood by most adoption professionals as the most beneficial option for the adoption triad: birth mother, adoptee, and adoptive family. If you are interested in maintaining contact with your child and fostering a lifelong relationship with them and their adoptive parents, you can choose this. Adoption specialists will advocate on your behalf and make sure that your adoption looks the way you want it to.

Additionally, when you choose to place your baby for adoption, the right agency will offer you:

Do I Get to Choose My Baby’s Adoptive Parents?

Yes, among the choices you get to make when you choose this unplanned pregnancy option is the selection of your child’s adoptive family. For many birth mothers, in fact, choosing the perfect adoptive family is the most significant choice in the adoption process. It certainly has a profound impact on your child’s life and the opportunities they will be given.

A reputable agency will help you find a family with the characteristics and lifestyle that you want for your child.

Here is how it will work:

Contact one of the following South Dakota adoption agencies to start your adoption journey:

How Do You “Give Up” a Baby for Adoption in South Dakota?

Adoption can be a rewarding and beautiful unplanned pregnancy choice, and the support available to you during the adoption process is unparalleled.

Adoption allows you to:

When you choose adoption, your adoption specialist will guide you through these six basic steps:

  1. Decide that adoption is the right unplanned pregnancy option for you. You have a few choices when facing an unplanned pregnancy in South Dakota. It might help you reach a decision to think about the many benefits that adoption has to offer.  
  2. Create an adoption plan. Professionals who are offering you unplanned pregnancy help in South Dakota will help you to develop an adoption plan. This will serve as a sort of blueprint for your adoption and communicate your needs and desires throughout your adoption process
  3. Select the perfect family for your child. One component of your adoption plan will be a description of your ideal adoptive family. Your adoption specialist will use this to give you access to profiles of adoptive families. You will get a chance to review them and choose an adoptive family for your child.
  4. Begin your communication with the adoptive family. Your interaction with the adoptive parents will be an important part of your adoption journey. Whether you want an open adoption or closed adoption, you will want to establish what this relationship will look like.
  5. Deliver your baby and sign adoption placement paperwork. One task that you will complete before having your baby is writing a hospital plan that will direct the people around you to make sure that your needs are met. At some point after delivery, you will sign final adoption paperwork for placement.
  6. Follow your post-adoptive agreement made with your child’s adoptive family. You will get to decide if and how you continue your relationship with your child and their adoptive family. While most modern adoptions are open or semi-open, you can also choose a closed adoption. Your adoption specialist will help you to write a post-adoption contact agreement that you are happy with.

Does Adoption Cost Money in South Dakota?

No. Adoption does not cost a birth mother any money. In fact, of the unplanned pregnancy options in South Dakota, adoption is the only one that is free.

You should also know that all adoption agency services are free, along with your pregnancy-related medical expenses and your legal fees associated with the adoption.

Additionally, most birth mothers find that they are eligible to receive some adoption financial support to cover pregnancy-related needs and costs of living.

Examples of costs that are frequently covered with financial assistance are:

Is Adoption Right for Me?

Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy is extremely difficult, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. While adoption can be a beautiful and rewarding choice for many, it is not right for everyone. Above all else, it is important that you determine what the right path is for you.  

Some reasons that women choose this unplanned pregnancy choice are:

You are not alone in this decision. There are professionals who are eager to help you in this time of need. If you would like to pursue adoption, contact a professional today.

What is Abortion in South Dakota?

An alternative pregnancy option that some women choose is abortion. Abortion is a medical or surgical procedure with the purpose of terminating a pregnancy. This is the best unplanned pregnancy choice for women who cannot or choose not to carry their baby to term.

Abortion is the most controversial unplanned pregnancy option, and its constitutionality is consistently challenged in court. Opponents work diligently to restrict access and reduce the number of abortions that are performed. In South Dakota, abortion is not easily accessible.

What Restrictions are on Abortion in South Dakota?

If abortion is a consideration for you, be aware that it is only an available option for a short period of time during your pregnancy.

It is most definitely an early pregnancy option. In South Dakota, women can have only have an abortion performed at or beyond 20 weeks postfertilization in cases of life endangerment or severely compromised health.

Some restrictions on South Dakota abortion include:

What Risks are Involved in Abortion?

Abortion has been used as an unwanted pregnancy option for 40 years, and it is considered a safe procedure. In very rare cases, there are long-lasting effects on a woman’s body, but it is generally a safe unplanned pregnancy option.

Still, there are some side effects to be aware of:

Is Abortion Right for Me?

For many women, abortion is not an option. Whether they have a moral objection to it or the limitations around it are too restricting for them to access it, they may be left wondering, “Is this the unwanted pregnancy option for me?”

Some reasons that South Dakota women choose abortion are:

If these reasons resonate with you, abortion may be the unplanned pregnancy option that is best for you. If not, you will want to turn to alternative pregnancy options in South Dakota.

What is Parenting in South Dakota?

Most women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy in South Dakota choose parenting.

Parenting, of course, is the choice to carry your baby to term and care for them either by yourself, with a partner, or within an already established family unit. When you choose to parent, you keep your parental rights and take on the responsibility of raising your child.

What are the Challenges of Being a Single Parent in South Dakota?

Many women who choose parenting after an unplanned pregnancy are in situations where they must raise their child without the support of a significant other. Some have a strong network of support in friends or family. Still, raising a child as a single parent comes with its difficulties.

Some of the challenges for single parents who choose this option for unwanted pregnancy are:

Fortunately, there are organizations that offer support to single parents who choose this unplanned pregnancy option. Reach out to the following if you need some assistance:

Is Parenting Right for Me?

There is a lot of pressure for mothers to choose the unplanned pregnancy option of parenting. While it is right for many, it is not right for all women.

If you are struggling to decide, remember that you are not alone. There are experts who will help you make this decision and guide you to the choice that is right for you.

Reasons that women choose this unplanned pregnancy choice are:

You are not alone as you make this difficult choice. There are licensed professionals who want to help you decide what path is the most beneficial to you. Contact us today to be connected to an empathetic, informed professional.

Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.

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