Adoption in Wyoming

How to “Give Up” Your Baby for Adoption in Wyoming [5 Steps]

Choosing to place your baby for adoption in Wyoming is a brave and selfless decision.

It is also a rewarding choice that can lead to new opportunities – both for your baby and for you. If you are considering “giving up” your baby up for adoption, know that you are not alone. There are professionals who can help you learn about the adoption process, weigh your options, and make the best decision for you.

If you are ready to consult with an adoption professional who can help you take your next steps, contact us online.

In the meantime, you can find the answers to many of your questions in this guide, like:

Finding Support for “Giving Up” Your Baby for Adoption in Wyoming

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can cause feelings of stress, panic, or overwhelm. You will need a support system – a network of people to come alongside you and support you through the process.

This, of course, can include family and friends, but it can also come in the form of a counselor, a support group, online education, or a church or spiritual affiliation.

Perhaps most helpful will be the advice and counsel you receive from adoption professionals who will be available to you during this time. If you are on the fence about placing your baby for adoption, they will counsel you through your options. And once you have chosen adoption, they will guide you through the adoption process. To get in touch with an expert, you can contact us today.

As you consider the professionals you would like to guide you through this process, it is important to note that there are two different kinds of adoption agencies: national or local. The resources and specialty of each are different, and you will want to choose the type of agency that will serve you best. 

 Since national agencies work with adoptive families from around the nation, they can offer you dozens – or even hundreds – of adoption opportunities. National agencies that serve Wyoming birth mothers include:

Local agencies, however, usually can only offer a handful of opportunities. Local agencies that serve Wyoming birth mothers include:

How to Put Your Baby Up for Adoption in Wyoming [5 Steps to Placing Baby for Adoption]

Choosing adoption is the choice to give your child the life that you want for them, and you will be at the center of this process the whole way through. You will outline your needs and preferences, choose the adoptive family that is best for your child, and choose the type of relationship that you want to maintain with your child and their adoptive family. You will be given empathetic, informed support throughout the entire adoption process.

The adoption process in Wyoming includes these five basic steps:

  1. Decide that Adoption Is the Right Choice for You
  2. Write an Adoption Plan
  3. Choose an Adoptive Family
  4. Get Ready for Placement
  5. Transition to Post-Adoption Life

Step 1 – Decide that Adoption Is the Right Choice for You

It takes time to decide what to do an unplanned pregnancy. The time it takes to make your decision should not be glossed over or devalued. This is perhaps the most important step in your adoption process, because it is this decision that starts your beautiful adoption journey.  

While adoption can be incredibly rewarding, there are three unplanned pregnancy options in Wyoming:

  1. Parenting
  2. Abortion
  3. Adoption

None of these choices are easy, and any one of them will change your life to some degree. If you are having trouble deciding what path is right for you, an adoption agency will offer you the unbiased, objective information that you need. These professionals are trained to help you decide which path is right for you, whatever that may be.

With a licensed agency, you will be offered:

When you work with a licensed professional in Wyoming, your information will be kept confidential and your needs will be centered — whether you choose to put your baby up for adoption or not. Adoption specialists are available to support you and your vision for your life, and to help you choose the unplanned pregnancy option that is best for you.

Step 2 – Write an Adoption Plan [You are in Control of Your Adoption]

After you decide to place your baby for adoption in Wyoming, you will begin to work with an adoption specialist to create an adoption plan. An adoption plan is a document that outlines your needs and preferences at each step of your adoption process.

Important components of your adoption plan will be:

You should feel like you are in control and like the details of your adoption plan are decided by you. If you feel you’re your role in the process is diminished in any way, you should know that there are plenty of reputable agencies that will put you at the center. You have a choice about who to work with and deserve professionals who honor your voice.

When you choose to “give up” your baby for adoption, you can change your mind about most details of the before you sign the final adoption paperwork. Your adoption plan is not legally binding, and you have full parental rights up to the point that final adoption paperwork is signed.

Step 3 – Choose an Adoptive Family [Placing Your Baby for Adoption in the Perfect Home]

You will have the opportunity to choose the adoptive family for your child when you decide to put your baby up for adoption in Wyoming. That may come as a surprise, but it’s how the modern adoption process works.

One of the major roles of an adoption agency is to facilitate adoption opportunities, which means that they will help you think through the kind of family you want for your child, include this information on your adoption plan, and then curate a list of families who match your needs. 

They will offer you family profiles of couples that will give you a good feel for the families’ personality, lifestyle, and values.

You can expect family profiles to include:

This decision is completely yours. While you review family profiles, you may want to invite some of your support system into your decision-making process, but you have the final say. Again, you are in control of this process, and your vision for your child’s life matters more than anything else.   

There are numerous families in the United States – and many in Wyoming – who are hoping to adopt a baby. If you are eager to view some family profiles today, you are in luck! A national agency has partnered with us to give you access to some video profiles of some families who want to adopt.

If you are ready to get a glimpse into the diverse group of families who are hoping to adopt a child, you can click here to view the profiles.   

Choosing a family is a special part of “giving up” a baby for adoption in Wyoming, and you should never feel rushed or limited on this journey. Take your time, consider all your options, and listen to your instincts.

Step 4 – Get Ready for Placement

When you find that perfect family for your baby, you will begin a relationship that could last a lifetime. When putting your baby up for adoption in Wyoming, you can choose the sort of contact and interactions you want to have you’re your adoptive family. While your preference for either closed adoption, open adoption, or semi-open adoption will likely affect the interactions before placement, they don’t have to necessarily align.

Some women are excited to get to know the adoptive family on a deeper level, and others need space and privacy during their pregnancy. You are in control of this arrangement and should feel comfortable asking for what you need.  

Some ways that women foster their relationship with the adoptive family during this time are:

You can have as many or as little of these interactions as you need. 

During this stage of placing your child for adoption in Wyoming, you will work with your adoption specialist to finalize details on your hospital plan, which will outline your needs during your labor and delivery.

Step 5 – Transition to Post-Adoption Life [Support after Placing a Baby Up for Adoption]

The choice to place your baby for adoption in Wyoming is not easy. Even when they are certain that adoption is right for them, many women report experiencing some challenges after the adoption placement.

Randi, who made the decision to put her baby up for adoption, described it this way:

“It was hard because you still have all these hormones running through you and all these motherly instincts. And It’s like your brain is telling you one thing, and your body is telling you another thing. It was heartbreaking, but there was never a time that I didn’t feel like it felt right.”

Being aware that there is often a healing process after the adoption can help you prepare yourself. You can determine what supports you will need to lean on during this time and have a plan ready for when you need it.

The support you received from adoption professionals in earlier stages of the adoption process will still be available to you. These specialists can offer counsel, direct you to support groups, other inform you of other post-adoption resources.

Many women report that having a post-adoption agreement in place can also ease some of your anxieties. The adoption agreement gives a birth mother a clear vision of what she can expect, which can help her to manage the grief she is experiencing. A period of adjustment is typical, but an optimistic outlook on new possibilities often follows.

You Are Never “Giving Up” Your Baby

Something to consider while you are deciding whether to place your baby for adoption is the common language around the choice a mother makes to pursue adoption. We often hear people refer to this decision as “giving up a baby for adoption.” It is even so standard that we use this language so to ensure that we reach women who are looking guidance during this time.

You will notice that we place quotation marks around “giving up” because we believe wholeheartedly that placing your baby for adoption is never “giving up”. The choice to put your baby up for adoption in Wyoming is:

“Giving up” a baby for adoption in Wyoming is a decision made with deep and abiding love for a child. This language does not describe the immense bravery that birth mothers demonstrate when they make this choice.

If you have questions about how to put a baby up for adoption in Wyoming contact us today to speak with an adoption professional. They can help you make the decision that is best for you and support you as you navigate the next steps. You are not alone in this decision to place your baby for adoption. 

Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.

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