Do You Get Paid to “Give Your Baby up” for Adoption in Illinois? [7 FAQs]

Do you get paid to “give your baby up” for adoption in Illinois? In our comprehensive guide, we answer 7 FAQs about adoption financial assistance.

How Adoption Financial Assistance Actually Works

Discovering an unplanned pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you are in a tough financial spot. Is it possible to receive money if you place your baby up for adoption? We’re here to tell you about adoption financial assistance in Illinois.

There are plenty of misconceptions about how this works. So, we created a guide of seven FAQs that should help give you a better grasp of financial assistance for putting a baby up for adoption.

If you’re feeling confused about this topic, then that is completely normal. You could be wondering, “Do you get paid to ‘give your baby up’ for adoption in Illinois?” The answer is no. But, that doesn’t mean adoption is expensive. We’ll go into more detail below.

If you have any questions while you’re reading, then it might be helpful to speak with an adoption professional. You can contact us online to get connected with an agency now.

In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about financial assistance for adoption in Illinois.

1. Do You Get Paid for Putting Your Baby up for Adoption in Illinois?

You may be wondering, “Can I get paid for adoption in Illinois?” The answer is no. You can’t get paid for adoption in Illinois (or anywhere else), but adoption is always free for prospective birth parents. On top of this, you may be able to get assistance with living expenses, medical costs and more.

The reason that direct payment for adoption is illegal is that it can be considered child trafficking. If anyone offers you money for placing your baby for adoption, then steer clear. That person should not be trusted, and you could face severe legal consequences for getting involved. So, if you were asking, “Do you get money from adoption in Illinois?” then the answer is no.

However, “getting paid” for adoption and adoption financial assistance are two completely different things. We’ll talk about that more below.

2. What Is the Cost of “Giving a Baby up” for Adoption in Illinois?

If you are worried about the cost to “give a baby up” for adoption in Illinois, then you can rest easy knowing that adoption is 100% free for prospective birth mothers.  This is because of adoption financial assistance that covers any pregnancy-related and adoption-related costs for you.

You may also be entitled to receive funds for living expenses. Some examples of these include:

  • Rent and utilities
  • Maternity clothes
  • Transportation
  • Groceries
  • And more

So, is putting a baby up for adoption free? The answer is always yes. As a prospective birth mother, you shouldn’t have to worry about the costs. Instead, you should be able to focus on your baby’s health and your own health. There is never a cost of “giving a baby up” for adoption in Illinois or any other state.

3. How Much Adoption Financial Assistance Will I Receive?

The amount of financial assistance for adoption you’ll receive depends on your situation.

For instance, a teenager who is still in high school and lives with their parents won’t need as much support as someone in their 20s or 30s who lives independently. Even then, some prospective birth mothers may already have children of their own to take care of.

In other words, every person’s circumstances are different, and this affects how much adoption financial assistance you receive.

4. Do Adoption Agencies Pay Birth Mothers in Illinois?

No, there are not adoption agencies that pay you in Illinois. It is illegal to receive direct financial compensation for adoption in Illinois or any other state. But, it’s important to work with the right adoption agency. The best agencies can make sure you receive the maximum allowable amount of financial assistance for adoption.

5. What Determines How Much Adoption Financial Assistance I Receive?

Just as the amount of financial assistance for adoption depends on your situation, it also depends on Illinois adoption laws. These regulate the amount and type of adoption financial assistance that you’ll receive, and a court will have to approve any funding that the adoptive family provides for you.

From a general standpoint, adoption agencies aren’t in control of how much financial assistance for adoption you receive, but they can ensure that you receive as much as legally possible. They can connect you with a reputable adoption attorney, too, and they can make sure that everything occurs in a legal and ethical way.

6. Are There Any Expenses That Adoption Financial Assistance in Illinois Doesn’t Cover?

Just as other states, Illinois has a law that requires any requested expenses to be “reasonable,” as judged by a court.

For example, you can’t use financial assistance for putting a baby up for adoption for luxury clothing or concert tickets. Whatever you don’t need for basic day-to-day living, a court will most likely not approve of.  Paying for transportation or a water bill would likely be deemed “reasonable” expenses for financial assistance for adoption in Illinois.

7. Why Is the Cost of “Giving a Baby up” for Adoption in Illinois Free?

Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience. Choosing adoption for your child is a selfless, brave and heroic decision made out of love, and the last thing you should have to worry about is money.

We also want to clarify something. “Give a baby up for adoption” is one of the most common phrases people use when they talk about adoption, but it completely misses the point. When you choose adoption, you are not “giving up.” You are giving your child a life of love and opportunity, and that is beautiful.


This can be a lot of information to take in at once, so we understand if you have some more questions. In that case, remember that you can contact us today to be connected with an adoption agency. They will be able to answer your questions about adoption financial assistance in Illinois.

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