Questions About Adoption
Can I Put My Baby up for Adoption?
Putting a baby up for adoption is an incredibly brave decision. Adoption lets you regain control of your life when it can feel like the world is off-balance.
Many women from all different walks of life have chosen adoption because it can create a better future for yourself and your baby.
You can always contact an adoption agency today to learn more about the benefits of adoption.
Can I Put My Baby up for Adoption?
Yes, you will always have the option to put your baby up for adoption. An adoption agency will help you build an adoption plan, receive financial assistance and much more. They will be your biggest supporter throughout your adoption journey.
How Can I Put My Baby up for Adoption?
Although each step of the adoption process will look different depending on your needs, your adoption agency will help you create a personalized plan that outlines how you envision your journey will go. You’ll call all the shots while your adoption professional handles every aspect to ensure your needs are taken care of.
Once you’ve built the perfect adoption plan, here’s what the process for putting your baby up for adoption looks like:
- Step 1: Work with your adoption agency to receive free support, services and financial assistance.
- Step 2: Choose the best family for your baby and the type of adoption relationship you want.
- Step 3: Get to know the adoptive family and prepare for placement.
- Step 4: Complete the adoption placement.
- Step 5: Receive post-adoption resources and support.
Your adoption agency will provide the support you need throughout your adoption journey. According to American Adoptions, a licensed adoption agency, the 24/7 support from an agency is important to help you process any complex emotions you may be feeling before, during and after the adoption.
If you have any questions about receiving 24/7 support, connect with an adoption agency to learn more.
How Long after a Baby is Born Can You Give it up for Adoption?
You can put your baby up for adoption any time after birth. But, most adoption agencies will only place children under 4 years old. So, if you’re looking for someone to adopt your baby after birth, you’ll always have the option to choose adoption.
Here are several resources that can help you with the decision to put your baby up for adoption:
- Speak with an experienced adoption professional to receive support and guidance.
- Read stories from real birth parents on why adoption was the best decision they could have made.
- Take a look at adoptive family profiles to get a feel for the type of family you’re looking for.
Does Putting a Baby up for Adoption Cost Money?
No, putting your baby up for adoption is always free. As the birth mother, you’ll also get free services and support from your adoption agency along with adoption financial assistance. The amount of assistance you’ll receive depends on your state of residence, but you may receive help with expenses such as:
- Rent
- Maternity clothing
- Medical bills
- Transportation to doctors’ appointments
- Groceries
- Legal fees
- And more
Although you can’t be paid to choose adoption, it can be a way to avoid many financial stressors during your unplanned pregnancy. Through adoption, you’ll be able to take back control of your life to build a better future for you and your baby.
Where Can I Put My Baby up for Adoption?
Although there are many adoption professionals out there, no one can provide as much support as a national adoption agency. National adoption agencies are fully licensed and ready to help you through every step of your adoption journey.
These agencies have birth parent specialists who can guide you through the adoption process and help you make the best decision for your baby.
Lindsey, a birth mom who chose adoption, reflects on how her birth parent specialist was with her every step of the way, making sure she had the support she needed.
“She was there for me when I didn’t have anybody, and she always knew just what to say,” Lindsey said. “I did have a lot of concerns and fears, and she knew how to talk me through them. She’s someone that’s — even now, three months after I’ve had my baby — probably going to check in on me from time to time. She was just amazing, and I’m so glad that she’s in my life.”
Here are some national adoption agencies you can contact now to receive guidance from an experienced adoption professional:
Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.