Questions About Adoption
Can You Ask Social Services to Take Your Child?
Parenting can be challenging. It’s normal for parents to feel overwhelmed. We know you want what is best for your child — even if you realize you aren’t ready to parent after their child is born. If this scenario applies to you, then we are here to help.
Choosing adoption is a way to give your child the life they deserve. Out of love, you’re making the decision to provide them with the resources they need to live a safe and supported life.
Contact an adoption agency today to get more free information now.
Can You Ask Social Services to Take Your Child?
Placing your child with social services is complicated and varies by state. One of the best things you can do is contact your local Department of Social Services or Department of Families and Children to find out which options are available in your area.
If you want to ask social services to take your child, consider the kind of life your child will have in state custody. Unfortunately, many of these state programs lack funds, resources and foster parents, which means your child most likely won’t have the life you want for them if you ask social services to take your child.
Adoption, on the other hand, puts you in complete control of the process. You’ll get to choose an adoptive family, receive financial assistance and much more. Through adoption, you’ll get to see your child thrive for years to come.
What Is Baby Safe Haven Law?
Safe Haven laws allow a parent to remain anonymous and shielded from criminal liability when they place their baby at a location with a Safe Haven baby box. These locations can be found all across the U.S. and are typically found in churches, hospitals and fire stations.
Although it can seem like a good option, know that you can still pursue adoption anonymously with the free support and services from an adoption agency. You can also receive adoption financial assistance, 24/7 counseling and support and more.
There are a few simple things you can do to learn more about adoption:
- Check out some stories from real birth parents who chose adoption.
- Connect with a birth parent specialist to get answers to questions about adoption.
- Browse waiting adoptive family profiles to get an idea of the type of family you want to adopt your baby.
Contact an adoption agency today to learn more.
Can I Give My Child up for Adoption?
Yes, you can give your child up for adoption. Although most adoption agencies work with children under 4, your birth parent specialist will provide you with the best options based on your situation. Through adoption, you can give your child the future they deserve.
Does Placing a Child up for Adoption Cost?
No, putting your child up for adoption is free. Also, you could be eligible for adoption financial assistance to help with expenses such as rent, utilities, legal fees and more. Your birth parent specialist will work within your state’s laws to ensure you receive the most financial assistance possible.
According to American Adoptions, a licensed national adoption agency, the amount of financial assistance you receive will vary depending on your situation and state of residence, as this support is court-mandated. But, no matter your situation, adoption will always be free for you.
How Do I Begin the Adoption Process?
If you want to ask social services to take your child but are considering adoption, then you’ll need to contact an adoption agency. You’ll be connected with a birth parent specialist who will help you with every aspect of your adoption journey, ensuring you understand every step.
You’ll call all the shots while your specialist does the heavy lifting. They’ll make sure you’re connected to all the resources you need. When it feels like your life is spinning out of control, adoption lets you put your life back on track.
Birth mother Sara reflects on her decision to do what was best for herself and her baby by choosing adoption.
“It’s very rough in the beginning, but it does get better,” Sara said. “I hope Teddy will always know how much I love him, and that this was the hardest decision I’ve ever made. But I made it in his best interest. I made it for him to have better opportunities, to have a future, to grow up and be something big.”
Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.