When Can You “Give a Child Up” for Adoption?
Temporary Adoptions – Is This an Option? [Guide]
No one said parenting was an easy job. But if you, like many parents, are struggling to cope, you might be wondering about the possibility of a temporary adoption or placing your baby up for adoption with a family member while you get your bearings.
If you’re having these thoughts, you’re not alone. And most importantly, we want to reassure you that you’re not a bad parent for feeling this way. Every parent needs help sometimes, and when you’re not sure where to turn, it’s normal to start thinking of other options.
With that being said, there are some important things you should know about what a “temporary adoption” really is and what options are available in your situation. To learn more, keep reading below.
We know that considering adoption for your child can be an emotional and exhausting period. If you need any help while you’re considering a temporary adoption, please fill out our free information form to be connected with an adoption professional today.
“I Want to Give My Child Away Temporarily. Is that Possible?”
Yes and no. The first thing you should know is that a “temporary adoption” doesn’t really exist. At least, not in the way you think it does. When you place a child for adoption, you are permanently signing away your parental rights. This means that you can’t change your mind after you sign the adoption paperwork and the revocation period has passed, and you won’t be able to get your child back. This is always done in the best interest of the child. At this point, your child will be placed with their adoptive family, and the adoptive parents will have permanent legal rights over your child.
If adoption is what you’re looking for, we want to reassure you that this does not mean that you’ll never be able to see your child again once you place them with the family. Whenever any birth parent chooses adoption for their child, it’s always a good idea to have some degree of openness. With an open adoption, you can share pictures and letters, phone calls, emails, and even in-person visits. If you’re not comfortable with having a large amount of contact, you can also arrange for a semi-open adoption. Here, you can maintain your privacy while continuing to be an important part of your child’s life. No matter what you end up deciding, adoption professionals frequently suggest some degree of openness when placing a child for adoption — especially if they’re older.
If you do plan on placing your older child up for adoption permanently, be sure to do your research. This will be an emotionally difficult process for you and for them, no matter what age your child currently is. So please make sure you’re prepared for the journey ahead.
With all this being said, we do want to remind you that you don’t have to choose a permanent adoption. If you still want to be involved in your child’s life while maintaining your parental rights, then what you’re probably looking for is a temporary guardianship, which is the best way to make sure your child’s needs are taken care of while you focus on creating a safe, stable home for them in the meantime. Depending on your situation, this might be the perfect option for you. Read on to learn more about this process.
I want to give my baby away temporarily. What does a guardianship look like?
In a temporary guardianship, one individual will assume responsibility for another individual. In this case, we’re talking about an adult assuming responsibility for a minor. Similar to the role of an adoptive family, a temporary guardian will be in charge of providing a safe, stable environment for a child that is not biologically theirs. As such, the guardian will also be in charge of providing emotional and financial support and taking care of the child’s basic needs. In the event of an emergency, the legal guardian can make important medical decisions on behalf of the child.
Unlike a “temporary adoption,” you can resume custody of your child as soon as you feel you’re ready. You don’t need to worry, because you will get your baby back if you choose to put them into temporary care. In a temporary guardianship, you can choose the guardian who will take care of your child, so you don’t have to worry about your child going into foster care while you make arrangements for them. It’s important to find someone you deeply trust to make sure your child is well cared for while you get everything in order for their return.
Although this isn’t a temporary adoption, it’s likely that this is what you’re hoping for. A temporary guardianship might can be exactly the solution you’re looking for while you ensure that your child has the perfect environment.
What’s the Difference Between Temporary Adoption and Foster Care?
If you’re currently in a situation where you’re unable to provide for your child, you’re probably anxious about how similar a guardianship is to foster care.
We know that the adoption process can be confusing, so this is a normal question to have. But, with a temporary guardianship, you have nothing to worry about. The state will not be involved in a temporary adoption or a temporary guardianship, and you are completely in charge of who will be taking care of your child.
How Can I Start a Temporary Guardianship?
If you’re interested in starting a temporary guardianship, the best option is always to contact a trusted attorney who is experienced in family law. A temporary guardianship is still a legal agreement, so having an attorney to walk you through the procedure is imperative. If you haven’t had a chance to look for an attorney near you, you might want to check out the American Academy of Adoption & Assisted Reproduction Attorneys. There, you should easily be able to find a professional in your area.
But if you’re looking for a more permanent solution and you’d like to learn more about the adoption process, we can help. Please fill out our free information form to be connected to an adoption professional.
Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.